
Monday, April 6, 2009

Sara goes to the wedding Part 1

This is actually the second wedding that Sara has been to. The first wedding was my friend Ryana and being the klutz that I am, I forgot to snap any pics. Heh. Anyway, this was my cousin's wedding which was held in her hometown Padang Rengas. We went for the akad nikah ceremony and also the reception. Sara was restless along the way. We stopped by Simpang Pulai and there was a loud welding noise from the construction of one of the stall. The funny thing was, Sara was sooo excited and kept on screaming her cute baby squeal towards the construction guy (I think she thought the sound was a cat's meow because she will squeal everytime she hears "meoowww") yana, mcmana sara sukaaaa pun kucing, i'm still scared of those darn animals, ok?

We arrived at Kuala Kangsar Rest House around 4pm and Sara wore her new blouse (she looks like such a big girl in those clothes).
During the reception on the next day, we met a lot of our relatives. Luckily, Sara is back to her happy self compared to last night when she grumpy all the time. She was a bit overwhelmed seeing all these new faces though.

baby mikail (i know...he's soooooo chubby) and the cute myra

our big family (on Atuk's side)

with abang rayyan gadaffi


Haryana Sidin said...

jelesnye tak dpt join!!!!!!
nak pegi kenduriiiii!!!!!!

izzat said...

Jomm aaaa
rm 300 - 2 hours shooting (burn in cd only)
rm 450 - 2 hours shooting (cd + Album 80pcs 4r)
jb area only
+ rm 300 upgrade to storyboard album (8X12 10pages)

klau nak .. aku bg less 10% lg..
kita buat santai out door

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