
Saturday, March 28, 2009


I have been searching high and low for the best pram/stroller/buggy (whatever you want to call it - its still basically a thing to put your baby in :)

However, there are million of good choices out there. I'm currently eyeing the quinny zapp and maclaren techno. As I'm driving a very compact car, I really need a stroller that can be folded as small as possible. The only gripe I have with the Quinny Zapp is the lack of recline for baby to sit cormfortably. But it can be folded oh-so-stylish like this :

However, in order for me to fully utilize the Zapp, I'll need to buy the maxi-cosi cabrio seat which will cost me another RM700++. Currently, is having a sale and the Zapp is only RM799 which is the cheapest deal you can find in Malaysia. Call me a scrooge but I think spending almost RM1600 on stroller alone hardly worth the usage. But I'm seriously in love with the compactness of this stroller. Waaaa....

As for the Maclaren Techno, it can't be folded as small as the Quinny Zapp but it can be used from birth and the seat reclines to four position so that Sara can sleep cormfortably. The retail price is RM1200 (still too expensive for my liking). I've tried looking at other brands but none seem to met my expectation...

So, eventhough I am on the net almost 10 hours everyday, I can't find time to update my blog because phatMommy is busy looking for the perfect stroller for her little angel.


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