
Monday, February 2, 2009

Sara : Pacified

I’ve always hated parents who put pacifiers to their kids in order to get them to stop crying. But, last night and today, Sara couldn’t stop crying. And worse of all, she can’t get herself to sleep without feeding. After every hour of feeding, of course she’ll get too full and start to throw up. And still she refuses to go to sleep without hogging her milk bottle.

And so, we decided to put a pacifier into her sweet tiny little mouth in hope that she will be lulled to sleep. After three failed attempts, my little baby Sara is now pacify-able. Huh. Guess sometimes we can only plan what to do with our own child but it all depends on the child itself. Oh well…


yurn said...

tahniah again.. lebatnye rambut sara:P.. being a mom is the best feeling ever! last jumpe kat klinik time tu ko dah 8 blan kan.. asyik jumpe time rushing je.. aku link ur blog at mine ek.. meh la email add nak invite ni.. - ika..

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