
Monday, August 17, 2009

The proof of maturity and calmness :p

I am a 29 year old mommy. By right, I am a mature and calm woman. But those who are close to me, knows that I can be a b*tch sometimes. I often get tangled up in a confrontation that ends up with inappropriate words :) But, I guess its true what they say, becoming a mommy does change you in a lot of ways.

Instance No 1, a confrontation with a very rude clerk

Her : Buat meeting malam-malam, mana ada katerer nak sediakan makan?
Me : Takkan la dalam Putrajaya, Kajang takde langsung
normally I would burst in anger and utter some rude words..heh...
Me : Saya tau, CC banyak pengalaman, dulu kerja di ** banyak handle event besar. Mungkin takde meeting last minit macam ni. Tapi CC kena faham ye, kita masuk tempat baru, kita yang kena adapt dengan tempat tu, bukannya tempat tu yang adapt dengan kita. Di *** ni, memang banyak meeting last minit yang kita handle, tapi kita masih kena sediakan makan minum macam biasa. Kena sacrifice la sikit.
Her : OK! SUDAH! SAYA FAHAM! SAYA YANG MENURUT PERINTAH! SAYA FAHAM! OK! DAH! (while putting her hand up to my face - how rude is that??!!)
Me: CC jangan macam ni, saya cakap baik-baik ni. Saya tengah cuba nak berbincang ni.
Her : OK!! DAH!!
Me : Oklah kalau macam tu. No hard feelings ye. Kita kerja ni kena bekerjasama.

Instance No. 2, a phone conversation with a lecturer

Me: Ok, skng ni apa masalahnya?
Him: U buat macam ni, semua lambak kat sini, mana boleh. I ada kelas sampai lewat malam the day before. U guys buat keja macam mana ni?
Me: Tak, kan hari tu kita dah putuskan dalam mesyuarat that ** akan handle semua berkenaan kursus ni. In fact, saya dah sediakan semua requirement yang pihak u mohon. Bukan kita nak lepas tangan, tapi memang kita agree semua penceramah akan disediakan oleh **
Him : U tau tak, u buat macam ni tak betul. U tau tak apa itu **? U tau tak??!!
Me : (silent)
Him: U cuba cakap, u tau tak apa beza antara ** dan **? eh, come on la, u guys supposed to know all this
Me: (silent - malas nk layan org gila..haha)
Him: U guys have got all the raw material, takkan la tak boleh buat
Me: Ye, memang kita ada all the resources, tapi what we need right now is a so-called expert advice on how kita nak mengolah banda tu supaya jadi lebih berkesan. U said in the meeting that all this cannot be learned in one slot of the course, so saya bagi one full day untuk betul-betul belajar benda ni.
Him : U guys memang tak patutla buat macam ni. Bagi je semua kat **? - plus more blabbering and whining, malas nak dengar betul-betul
Me: Oklah, skng ni macam mana kita nak solve ni? U memang tak boleh nak hadir ke?
Him : I'll see what I can do la (and hang up!)
wtf?? I hate people who hangs up the phone before the conversation is over

Anyway, I think I portray a very high degree of tolerance in both events. I know my youngest sis will be like "Is this truly Along??" Heh. Hope I can be that patient to my little angel as well :)


pHatMuMMy said...

trying to leave a comment because some says they can't seem to leave any comment to yours truly.

Anonymous said...

uish ... kagum handle dengan penuh diplomatic way :-)

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